With a wealth of experience, Tim brings a warmth and professionalism to Legacy Apps’s team and has a financial nouce to keep us on the steady narrow.

Tim works closely with all aspects of the team here at Legacy Apps to ensure things are working as they should. With his varied background in customer service and office management, he helps our team keep lines of communication open with all of our clients and create efficiencies within our processes that greatly benefit them on a day-to-day basis. His drive to build and maintain high-quality interactions and experiences within Legacy Apps’s culture, helps us focus on what we do best.
Before starting with Legacy Apps, Tim worked for several years as a financial service specialist and consultant in the financial industry. In these roles he developed a strong ability to manage the needs of companies that were rooted in respect and grown through rapport and quality interactions.
- Obsessed with dogs
- Amazing singer! Watch out world!
- Beats everyone in the office at chess. *We've had to open lines of credit